If you are interested to learn to sculpt hard rock, come and visit us at the Te Kupenga Club at 74 Centennial Drive (near Paritutu Rock) on the first Saturday of the month when members meet to hold a sculpting weekend. We can show you around and talk with you about how to get started.
If you want to try it out, we will give you a mentor and lend you tools for a trial period but you must supply your own particulate rated mask and ear muffs.
Workshops run by members of the club who are professionals working in the industry are occasionally available . To put your name down to be notified when a date is set for the next course email: [email protected] with Subject line: Courses
If you want to try it out, we will give you a mentor and lend you tools for a trial period but you must supply your own particulate rated mask and ear muffs.
Workshops run by members of the club who are professionals working in the industry are occasionally available . To put your name down to be notified when a date is set for the next course email: [email protected] with Subject line: Courses
All works and images are protected by copyright please do not reproduce without the consent of Te Kupenga